Part-Time Preschool Program

The upstairs preschool is licensed for 16 spaces of children aged 30 months - 5 years. Families have the flexibility to enrol for 2, 3 or 5 days per week as well as full days (over 4 hours) or 1/2 days (less than 4 hours). Registration is based on availability. The upstairs preschool is a bright open concept that has been designed to engage the children in play. The center has been divided into different learning centres and interest areas. Our experienced, passionate and dedicated early Childhood educators follow our “learn through play” philosophy. Art and sensory activities are set up daily and rotated regularly. The two preschool centres play outside together everyday and in every type of weather. Little Friends has a large, nature based outdoor area where we spend the majority of the day..
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Full-time Preschool Program

This program has 20 licensed spaces and is open Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 5:00 pm. It is located in the downstairs of the church and is a large, open concept that has been divided into seven key early learning enviroments – dramatic play, large block area, carpet toys area, puzzle/small manipulative area, art area, sensory play areas, reading/circle time area. Little Friends provides the children with high quality learning toys and rotates them often to ensure the children remain interested and engaged. This program has three full time early childhood educators who plan and implement learning activites weekly.
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Infant/Toddler Center

This program is designed to engage and support the development of children under 36 months. We have two centers on the property. The upstairs Toddler center has 12 licensed spaces with 3 educators. The downstairs toddler center has 8 licensed spaces with 2 educators. Our policies ensure the programs always maintains a 1:4 educator/child ratio to ensure the highest quality of care. LIttle Friends practises "primary caregiving" to help create strong bonds and trusting relationships between the children and caregivers.
The physical environment is an open concept space designed to to provide good "sight lines" while creating spaces for children to climb, snuggle, pretend, explore and engage in play. The educators continuously change and rotate quality educational toys that meet the developmental aspects of this age group. Everyday tasks become "teachable moments" and the dedicated early childhood educators are there to lovingly facilitate the needs of this young group.
Click here for more information.