Language and Learning
Each day our educators provide an environment rich with stories, songs, finger plays, rhymes, music and movement. These opportunities are facilitated during our “circle time” and also spontaneously throughout “free play” (inside and out). Our educators are keen observers that utilize “teachable moments” to expand on the children’s interest and plan learning experiences. We provide a rotation of high quality learning toys to keep children engaged. Letters, colours, counting, nature and science are incorporated into our day to day activities.
Art and Sensory
At the art table, we believe in "the process not the product." Materials are readily available throughout the day and the child may be the creator as they choose (there is never a wrong or right way). We do not provide adult directed "arts and crafts" because this would assume dexterity and may frustrate a child into feeling "they can't do it." We believe that to be "truly creative" an art activity must originate in the mind of the creator. Each day sensory activities such as play-doh, wiggly glue, magic mud, moon sand, water play invite the children explore and develop their curiousity, language skills and fine motor skills.
Outdoor Activities

Our large, beautiful property is located at the base of Knockan Hill Park and gives us ample opportunities to play outside under the trees in our natural play space. The outside environment becomes an extension of our playroom twice a day rain or shine. The children love to run, climb, dig, build and explore the yard in every season. Our motto is “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.”.
Our Philosophy

At Little Friends Childcare Center we believe play is the work of childhood. We recognize the value of unstructured learning allowing children to make choices, experiment, and use hands-on exploration with materials. We provide developmentally appropriate toys and activities to facilitate the cognitive, emotional, social and physical needs of your child. We regard each child as unique with their own set of strengths and abilities. We try to foster these aspects of your child by giving them the respect they deserve. To respect what children do, we call the play at Little Friends “work”. When we say, “time to put your job away”, it isn’t just toys that the children put away, it is their work. We believe children learn best when allowed to make their own choices and explore in an environment which is physically safe, cognitively challenging and emotionally nurturing.